Liz Buikstra
Liz Buikstra
Back Squat 100kg Front Squat 85kg Overhead Squat 65kg Bench Press 65kg Clean and Jerk 67.5kg Snatch 52.5kg Deadlift 155kg Squat Clean 70kg Strict Press 47kg 15 Toes-to-bar (unbroken) 10 strict pull-ups (unbroken) Row 500m 1:51 1km run 5:23


CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Certification AWF Club Weightlifting/Sports Power Coach 1 Licence Certificate III in Fitness SIS30313 Certificate IV in Fitness SIS40210 CrossFit Online Programming Course CrossFit Online Scaling Course HLTAID Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation HLTAID Provide First Aid


Liz Buikstra

I started CrossFit in 2013. It changed my life for the better. My office job and limited exercise were not equipping me with the type of lifestyle I wanted for my later years. Since then, I have gradually improved my overall health and fitness.
Like many other people, I have experienced many of life's challenges, such as significant health issues, job-related stress, and the loss of loved ones. I feel lucky because the CrossFit Program and Community have been a constant in my life. Even if I decide to change my focus from CrossFit for a while, I keep coming back. We have a great community of CrossFit affiliates in Cairns and the Tablelands and get together regularly to participate in local competitions.
My positive experience with CrossFit has also given me the inspiration to gain further qualifications in Fitness and Weightlifting.

During my fitness journey, there were many times that I wanted to go home and relax after a long day at work.  I called it the path of least resistance or the easy path.  I remember talking to my CrossFit coach about my struggle with motivation and she said to me "Just keep turning up and the rest will sort itself out".  She was right, when you start to see lots of little improvements, you start to understand the power of the methodology. The weights were getting heavier, my gymnastics skills were improving, and my capacity was increasing. After a while, training becomes less of a struggle and more of a habit.  For me, it became something fun but challenging to look forward to.

Wherever you are in your fitness journey, I want to help you to feel stronger and healthier.